
More on Daniela.

I've been spending as much time as I can manage to with Daniela. And let me tell you that it is still not enough. She has been such a light to my spirit. She has brought friendship and a reflection of Christ in my time here. Daniela even invited me in to her small group prayer time on Thursday nights.
My goodness, I can't wait for you all to meet her.

So you need to know why Daniela will be so significant and special to our commuity. Daniela and I sat down to dinner the first evening I met her. We had just been at a worship evening at a church and we were discussing differences in Heartland and church here in Germany. I asked her what things the Lord was speaking to her about these days and it went something like this:

Daniela: Well, I had a word from God one year ago. He told me something this place called Kansas City. I know nothing of this place. But I write it down and just pray about it.

Me: Really? Had you ever heard of this place?

Daniela: No. I've never heard of it. Then my cousin, she give me sermons from a man who spoke of a house of prayer. They pray for 24 hours and it is in Kansas City. And so I think "Ok Lord, is it your wish for me to go to this place?"

Me: Yes. Daniela, do you know that I am from Kansas City? And I have been to this place you are talking about?

Daniela: (eyes are huge at this point, and her mouth is hanging open). What? You live in Kansas City?

Me: Yes. I do. You can come and stay at my house and we can go to the International House of Prayer.

Daniela: No. You are not from there. You are?

Me: (I can't hardly believe this conversation is taking place at this point, we are both wide eyed). You really had never heard of this place? And the Lord spoke it to you?

Daniela: Yes. This is true.

As you can see, the Lord really is working something in Daniela's heart. I don't believe He wants her to move to KC, but I do think a good visit will be what she needs to see that others are praying just like she does. She has this gift and desire to pray. She is brave and she prays for people all the time. She leads their prayer team at their "gathering-esque" service. She gets up every Tuesday morning at 6:30 a.m. to pray with others at her church. She has a heart for Germany and to see those around her come to know Jesus the way she does. Intimately. Passionately.

The Lord really is stirring something in this place, through this woman. I think that we will all be surprised what will come of it. I've been praying and dreaming about what it would look like for our church and the FEG church here in Munich to be partners. Paul says it best:
(Romans 15:4-6) And the Scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God's promises to be fulfilled. May God, who gives this patience and encouragement, help you live in complete harmony with each other, as is fitting for followers of Christ Jesus. Then all of you can join together with one voice, giving praise and glory to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Maybe some of you are prompted to come to the church here and meet these friends who share our same heart? Anything is possible. Just ask Daniela.

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