
New experiences

I've been thinking all week how sad I am about my time here coming to an end. There is this date staring me in the face, one that I know I long for, yet I really really don't want it to arrive. I've had SUCH a good time here, with each person I've met, the kids I've been with, the time with Jesus I've spent. Part of me really doesn't know what to expect coming home, wondering how the Lord will continue what He's started here. I'll be wrapping up my time with some dear friends in Kosovoa. YAY for long time friends!

Tomorrow I am headed to Stuttgart with Meghan, two babies, 6 bags, one double stroller, snacks, drinks, and our favorite toys. Did I mention that we are riding the train? And that we change trains a handful of times? No? I failed to mention that huh? Adwenture here we come!!

Pray for the reunion this weekend. I have a feeling the Lord will do some special things among those in attendence. It will be a fun and crazy weekend, with many pictures and reports to bring back to you. We covet your prayers!

Here are J and L tonight after a long day. I think they were watching Shrek.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Adorable. Praying. Adventure, indeed! And, I love that blanket!