
10 years goes by so fast.

THIS has me remembering all that took place that first year of college. I've thought about the memories today that I shared with all 10 of you girls. Not only was this album the theme of our year but I remembered these things too:
1. 202 suite meetings. Does anyone remember when Ashlee smashed the glass blender?
2. Naps. Like three of us in a twin bed sort of naps. Except for Stacey.
3. Does anyone remember when Stacey locked me out of our room because she was rearranging it?
4. Ashlee and Heidi sitting at their computer doing homework, right by their door, just so they could see who came and went.
5. Knives. Remember the knives?
6. Remember when I tried to dump a bucket full of water on Stacey in the shower and the curtain collapsed with it?
7. Who was it who hung the rope out the window for a boy to climb up?
8. Jess and Natasha ate more peanut butter that year than anyone I know...
9. Holy batman...
10. Who's birthday did we celebrate trapsing them through Dillions at midnight?

That year was so full of wonderful memories. Each of you so deeply set in my heart and the ways God used you. I am still in awe. Now we are all spread out across the world, married (or not), having kids (or not) and changing lives as we go.
I miss you girls.

"The Mighty One the Lord calls to all the earth for a heart that would bow down, for a head that he could lift. With eyes of mercy, a burning passion, He will not keep silent, until we feel the fire again. Til' we feel the fire again. A thankful heart prepares the way for you my God. A thankful heart prepares the way for you my God. Come fall on us, we call on you, a thankful heart will be our rhythm."


amy said...

So true. Blakely and I were talking just last night about how college is the time you just feel the most at home in this world. I've never met anyone who didn't just love it. And yes, I miss it. Lots.

Ashlee Liddell said...

I don't know whether to laugh or cry! When Heidi was down here in March we told the infamous shower story and the rope story to a bunch of my friends. We were laughing so hard I am sure it didn't make sense....

I DO remember ALL of those things...quite vividly! How could I forget them?! I still don't remember how I broke that blender.....or why I had a GLASS blender in the first place!!!! :)

I miss you Jordanne....miss you bunches!

Stacey Gibson said...

I can't listen to Waterdeep w/o thinking of that year. Wow, how has is been 10 years ago? We are so old!
#2--No on ever invited me to naptime...That was when Jordanne was hiding from me...or she was locked out, however way you want to tell the story Jordo.
How about when Sarah moved into Ashlee and Heidi's room and they were putting those bunk beds together and they fell on someone...er maybe I made that one up. Things get foggy the farther away it gets.
#7 was Joanna, just to clarify.
Along w/ #5 how about that AOL chime that went off at MAX volume everytime the knife girl was chatting w/ her boyfriend that later turned into Joanna's boyfriend, that later turned into a little troublemaker and went back to wherever he came from.
#8--That WAS a record amt. of PB
I think #10 was "Knife Girl" (Yes, I remember her name, but I'm not typing it in case she reads this and comes after us w/ her knives for calling her "Knife Girl")

Love you girls! Miss you all!!

Stacey Gibson said...