
On Dreaming.

Yesterday, I was driving through the mountains with some very dear friends. I haven't known them very long at all, but I couldn't be more thrilled to say that I know them. As the conversation carried on in the car with lots of laughter combined with seriousness, I was struck with something. Somewhere in my life over the last ten years, I stopped dreaming. My friend Amanda was listing off the things that she and her husband dream about. Things of God's Kingdom that she dreams of coming to earth. All I could think was, "When did I stop dreaming? Why am I not more like her?" This week, one of my dreams came true. Not in a "I wish I may, I wish I might" sort of way, but in a REAL this is God's Kingdom breaking through way. I still actually can't believe it. And I certainly didn't do anything to deserve that dream coming true- God is the one who has secured a return on this investment, not me. It will bear fruit for a long time to come.

It's no secret to those who know me well, but I tend to be a very internal person. I've learned that about myself in the last year and one of my goals is to externalize more of what lives inside of me. Like my dreams. It's actually pretty interesting because after I dropped my friends off at the airport I returned a phone call I had missed while in the mountains. It was a friend of mine calling to tell me about some opportunities in a part of town I've begun to dream about living in. It was almost like the Father was saying, "Jordanne, you haven't stopped dreaming. I know your dreams and I'm doing something about them." Literally, it was within 20 minutes of time that a door was opened that I've been waiting for.

I was observing today that my dreams of 10 years ago and my dreams of today aren't all that different. The thing that IS different is ME. My faith is wider and deeper than it was at age 20. My knowledge and experience of discipleship is growing, actually making the dreams more possible. I know myself better. I'm being challenged by some legit leaders God has placed in my life. I realize what I am capable of and where my limitations are. I know the Father better and believe in His promises to pull through. I can actually hear God's voice. I don't ever want to go back to being 20 again. I want to plow ahead into the future laying my dreams willingly before God and ask Him to lead me.

Our generation has no shortage of dreams. BIG dreams. The thing is, at what point do we recognize that we can dream all we want but nothing will actually happen until we take steps towards those dreams. In 50 years, I want to be able to say that it wasn't that I ever stopped dreaming. I just finally stepped into the possibilities of what God could do when I started taking action in my life. What are you dreaming about? Where have you abandoned those dreams and why? What will it take for you to step back into dreaming and moving toward action? How is your life submitted to the One who actually inspires the dreams to begin with? When God is on your side, there is nothing that is impossible.

Psalm 124:1-8
A song for the ascent to Jerusalem. A psalm of David. If the LORD had not been on our side -- let Israel now say -- if the LORD had not been on our side when people rose up against us, they would have swallowed us alive because of their burning anger against us. The waters would have engulfed us; a torrent would have overwhelmed us. Yes, the raging waters of their fury would have overwhelmed our very lives. Blessed be the LORD, who did not let their teeth tear us apart! We escaped like a bird from a hunter's trap. The trap is broken, and we are free! Our help is from the LORD, who made the heavens and the earth.

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