
Why I love snow days.

So far, in the last 24 hours we have:
- Made the last minute trek to the grocery store with all the other crazies before the storm.
- Made Chili.
- Melissa made a Roast.
- While I helped shovel us out, the girls made Waffles.
- Looked at and enjoyed engagement pictures (go Jewel!).
- Shoveled more snow than I care to ever shovel again. (at least we had a boy around to help!)
- Laughed REEEEEALLY hard at Tom.
- Had a cannonball done on my bed.
- Watched Modern Family and laughed til' we cried (confession: We watched at least 10 episodes).
- I worked (of course) and got a lot done.
- Watched Patty have her own dance party with Justin Bieber.
- Worked out and laughed- go figure.
- Caught up on the phone with a few dear friends (love you Darci!)
- Went to bed early last night.

I can't remember the last time I enjoyed being snowed in this much. There is something about spending time with people that you just really enjoy and really don't get tired of being around. Especially when you all have cabin fever and are so delirious that you laugh at everything. I would never ask for a blizzard to descend on a regular basis, but I wouldn't trade what just happened around here the last two days. I love my roommates (and Tom!). I love the season we are in. I love that laughter comes easily to us all.

I wouldn't trade it for the world right now. I live such a great life.

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