I am finding that I am getting into a schedule and a bit of a groove here in Germany. It feels good to be independent and fully functional- yesterday was a big day of firsts:
1. Bought my own ticket and rode the bus into town.
4. Went to the store on my own.
I have been reading through Romans since I've been here, and I have found that I am in love with Romans 8. The whole chapter.
This morning, this verse in chapter 9 struck me.
Romans 9:2
My heart is filled with bitter sorrow and unending grief for my people, my Jewish brothers and sisters. I would be willing to be forever cursed- cutoff from Christ!- if that would save them.
Really? Paul's love for his own people drives him to say that he'd sacrifice his relationship with Christ if only they might know Him. I've NEVER felt that way about any people group ... not one. I have thought about what it means to give my physcial life for someone. Would I or wouldn't I do it. But, my salvation? Wow.
As I rode the bus this morning, I thought about how impacting that must have been for the Jewish people to hear Paul say. I wondered how people reacted. I looked around the bus this morning and wondered if anyone has ever loved the lady in front of me enough to tell her such a thing. How about those high school kids that just got on? Or the man next to me headed to the office? What would they say to that?
Have I ever been so passionate, so sold out for the Lord that I'd be willing to give up my own salvation for anothers sake?
Wow, Jordanne! I love hearing your thoughts. I've always loved that passage, but have not really brought it into my own situation. Good stuff. And I love your pics, btw.
Miss you!!
It's fun reading what you're up to - way to tackle the bus!
This blog post is super fly, JB.
Romans 8 is one of my all time faves,too ... esp in the NJB. Shocker.
Miss and love!
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