
Meet Layla.

Layla Jane.
15 months old.
Newly walking.
Learned to say NO. (I've been working on getting this on camera)
Is more goofy than any little 1 year old I've meet.
Loves the book "Olivia"
Thinks brother Jeremy is the coolest.
Loves girly things and dressing up.
Can suck down a cup of juice in 3 seconds flat.

Today, Layla was taking an extra long nap. Jeremy was having a snack and we were discussing something of importance. Probably how I just managed to spill water all down the front of myself. Here is our conversation:

Me: Jeremy, I'm going to go check on Layla, she's still sleeping.
J: Ok. Layla is still sleeping.
Me: Yes she is.
J: (At the top of his lungs) LAYLA! IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP! WAKE UP BABY GIRL!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that he calls her "baby girl"! If I ever have a girl, this is what I will call her.