
I made it home!

It's 6:19 a.m. and I'm wide awake. And have been since 3:58 a.m. Jet lag. Gotta love it.

What better time to write a blog I say?

Thank you for all your prayers over the last six weeks. I arrived home to the most stellar welcoming committee one could ever ask for. I said something to JG and AG in passing about people wearing costumes to the airport. Never in a million years did I think they would take me seriously. NEVER. I wasn't even 1% serious about the request. Never fear though, Alvin, a pirate, tinkerbell, a doctor, a nurse and exercise instructor were all there to welcome me in style. And of course, my cute sister, my cute roomie and JC were sporting their own daily attire to make sure I felt some sense of normalcy. To see pictures, go here.

All that to say, I've never in my life felt more lavished upon than I have in the last 6 weeks. Well, maybe even the last two months. My dear friends managed to do the following:
Write me a letter for every day I was gone.
Throw a dance party.
Go to dinner with me at J Gil's.
Gifted me an ipod.
A computer.
A camera (thanks mom and dad!!).
Sent me mail in Germany.
Email me updates on their lives.
Email me just to tell me they were thinking about me.
Showed up at the airport in costumes.
Had my room cleaned, sheets washed, and a new tooth brush awaiting me!
Had pumpkin cheesecake freshly made for me after the airport. (Blakely!!)
Stayed awake until 11 p.m. on a weeknight to make sure I knew I was missed.
Had a massage scheduled for me.
Helped me when my car wouldn't start (don't worry, a new battery did the trick! Thanks JG for the jump and the ride, thanks JC for patiently helping the not-so-able employee at the parts store install the battery.)

You all have lavished love on me in so many ways. I can't quite believe my life right now. I'll never be able to repay you in a million years ... but I guess that's what friendship is all about. We give, we receive. It all comes full cirle.

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