
It's been a week and I still miss you guys.

I can't even believe it. How have I only been back home one week? It seems as though an eternity has passed since I was in Germany, saying good bye to Matt, Meghan, Jeremy and Layla. My parting words with Jeremy?

Matt: Jeremy, say goodbye to Jordanne, she's getting on a plane and going home to her house in America.

Jeremy: (looks from me to Matt a few times) Daddy, I want to stay with yooooooooou.

We had a special relationship :) Really, can you blame him for equating me with Mommy and Daddy being gone? That's what I represented to him!

I received an email from Matt last week, a few days into my return. All it said was: Miss ya already...
He had attached these pictures.

That first one would be their butter dish. My last night there, I had put the butter in the microwave for 10 seconds to soften it up for the bread. I went in, set the table, completely, and came back into the kitchen realizing the microwave was still running. I had hit the 10 minute button instead of 10 seconds. You could say it was my parting gift to Matt and Meghan. I told them that now, every morning when they make toast or have bread at dinner, they'll think of me. Thanks for sending that picture Matt!

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