6 years ago I celebrated Valentine's day like really any other. We had a girls night and ate sweets and hung out. Nothing spectacular. We even talked about how we wanted to prank the senior boys before we graduated in a few months. Laxatives in cupcakes? Maybe. That one had gone over well across campus a few times. Maybe if we get some free time we'll think about it.
February 15th however, changed the course of history. And friendships. And the prank of (almost) all pranks was pulled. I woke up that day around 10 a.m. strictly headed to the bathroom and back to bed. Having no glasses on, I went straight to the bathroom, turned no lights on, only to be stopped by the fact that the lid to the toilet was down. Huh. Never had any one of the four of us done that. Weird.
So I lifted it up, and started to turn to sit down when I realized that some sort of fur was spilling out onto the lid of the toilet. That's right. FUR. Whoa. No way. What the heck is in there?????? I ran to my room, grabbed my glasses and turned on the light to the bathroom. Oh. my. gosh. Heart racing, I ran down the hall pushing open the door to Darci and Stacey's rooms. "You guys, get up now. There's something in our toilet."
Darci, groggy as could be, mumbled, "I must have forgotten to flush..." Oh no you didn't. There's no flushing this. "No Darci. Get up, I'm serious. There's something furry in the bathroom toilet."
"Furry? Like a mouse?" Uh, NO.
We all go into the bathroom and peer over the mass in the toilet. My heart had never beat so fast. Seriously. There was an animal in my toilet. How did it get there? Did it have a pulse? Where was its face? Oh. my. gosh. Who was I going to have to kill?
We quickly learned that that wasn't the only present left for us. SOMEone (who shall remain nameless because he now has a 2 year old child and a wife and a job and a life that doesn't need to be ruined by his past) had pooed in our kitchen sink. Yup. And there was a bag of smashed eggs sitting on the kitchen floor. And sodas in our freezer, about to explode. BOYS!
I believe it was Stacey who said "Those stinking boys!!!!!!!! They put a dead oppossum in our toilet and pooped in our sink!" At this point, Darci was hyper-ventilating and crying. Stacey was so mad her face was red. And I? I was in pure shock. Disbelief if you will. Not one of us had heard five boys trapsing through our house in the middle of the night. How was it possible? There was no breaking and entering. Not a peep made. I had gone to bed a 4 in the MORNING for crying out loud.
We spend the day scrubbing out apartment from top to bottom. Fuming, flaming, blasted mad. It took us at least two hours to muster up the courage to get the animal out of the toilet. Even at that, two boys, two girls and their hands covered in layers of plastic bags still couldn't get the courage to get it out. We had to call up Jeremy, who took one look and said, "Oh, no big deal." as he reached in a grabbed the oppossum by the tail with nothing covering his hands. The thing was so past dead, it was bloated to twice it's size.
I still don't really know to this day what we did to those boys to deserve such treatment. I guess with boys you don't really have to provoke them much and they'll come at you full force. I've learned a thing or two since my senior year of college. I'd venture to say I'm a new person. Or maybe just a much better liar.
i have never heard of a worse prank.
in my life.
good times, my friend. good times. i will never forget that. those stinking boys. ;)
I so remember this....that was just crazy! So gross.
I vomit just a little when I hear some of their names. I can feel my blood pressure going up a little reading this.
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