Well now, isn't that quite the intriguing title? She had even gone to the extent of book marking all the pages that she thought I should read. And read me the title list to hammer her point home:
Chapter 1: Locking Eyes with Your Lion
Chapter 2: The Odd Thing About Odds
Chapter 3: Unlearning Your Fears
Chapter 4: The Art of Reframing
Chapter 5: Guaranteed Uncertainty
Chapter 6: Playing It Safe is Risky
Chapter 7: Grab Opportunity by the Mane
Chapter 8: The Importance of Looking Foolish
Chapter 9: Unleash the Lion Chaser Within
Well, now, there ya go.
You wanna know what my Lion is probably huh? Well, here she is, in all her glory.

Oh and here:

And to appease your curiosity:

I feel crazy on every level of crazy, but here's the thing about the lion in that pit and a man named Beniah, instead of the lion coming after him, he went after the lion. And if that doesn't intrigue you, read this-
"Right at the outset, let me share one of my core convictions: God is in the business of strategically positioning us in the right place at the right time. A sense of destiny is our birthright as followers of Christ. God is awfully good at getting us where He wants us to go. But here's the catch: The right place often seems like the wrong place, and the right time often seems like the wrong time."
And this-
Romans 4:20 "He (Abraham) did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform."
That's the same Abraham who the author of Hebrews tells us to model our faith after.
If you'd been anywhere close to my life these last two weeks, like a handful of people have been, you'd know the full circle that I've taken on this destiny. Buying a house isn't for the faint of heart. Especially one in a place few are buying right now. I've been faint of heart for about three weeks now, dreaming of what I wish could be and staring down a reality of what's smart. After that evening with my roommate, it became clearer that by not moving forward here I was surrendering to the "what ifs" in life. I think they are important to pay attention to but I also believe in a greater Kingdom that God is building here and I can't keep looking at the "what ifs". What I know right now is that those "what ifs" were taking my eyes off Him.
To some, I'll be making the wrong choice and others they will cheer me on. I'm praying God will take my faith of a mustard seed and grow it beyond anything I can imagine. All I can do is live in the reality that He is my Father and He is the one in charge.
What lion do you know you need to run after instead of waiting for it to swallow you whole?
P.S. As a side note- nothing is for sure about this house. But I have identified it as a lion I need to run after instead of away from. Pray with me will you?
God is faithful. He is True and He is good! Praying with you, friend. Go for it!
Oh my Jordanne. I was just thinking about you and this lion today. Still praying for you.
You're not crazy.
At least you'll have the best internet in the world!
That's a pretty lovely lion you've got there. You get it, girl!
I will be praying friend
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