
It's been awhile since an original post huh?

Well, I've been thinking a lot lately on how much I love where I live. Somewhere in the last month my heart settled into the fact that I own this house and I'm not going anywhere for a long time. It could have been THIS post about decorating that just dialed my number directly and snapped me into the reality that I own this big, bad beauty. Or it could have been the fears that have been dismissed as friends have offered and even followed through with helping me a long the way. How do people live this life on earth with out community I ask you? How??

Anyway, I thought I'd give you some visuals of things I've noticed recently that bring a smile to my face. I wish I had pictures, but I'm never fast enough with it nor do I want to look like a tourist in my own hood.

- I love driving by the headquarters Kansas City Kansas Fire station and seeing one particular fire man on one of the shifts always reading a book late at night in the garage next to the truck. It makes me smile every time and I intentionally drive by there at night to see if he's there.
- The other day, I pulled up to the market a few blocks from my house only to find a handful of muslim sudanese kids under 4 playing in the rocks while their mom worked her booth. Their joy was so timely for me on that wednesday morning.
- The old african american man I passed on the street the other day who was wearing a 3 piece suit and playing his guitar on the bench waiting for the bus. I almost asked him to play me his favorite jazz song.
- The thrift store across the street from my house. It is by far the best one in town!
- Knowing now that one of the guys I see walking by my house often is prayer walking. It makes me feel more at peace every time.
- Believe it or not, the sirens I hear often. Each time it reminds me that not everyones world is perfectly happy or peaceful in that moment and someone out there needs prayer.
- Reading my local newspaper. It's not the best or most breaking news, but it certainly is FUNNY.
- Hearing roosters crowing when I'm out for walks. You'd think I was in the rural country, but I'm no where near it.
- Watching this house I live in become a home as everyone puts their mark on it. Granted Brackett has the most marks so far, but he keeps me sane reminding me that almost all things are fixable.

There are thousands of things I see daily that tell me that I'm at home. I know not everyone feels the way I do about where they live, but I am betting there are similar things that grab your attention or your heart about where you call home. I just bet.