
On Standing.

Epheisans 6:10
Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.

I sit here staring out at the mountains of Buena Vista Colorado. The sun is crisp and bright, the mountain is clear and the blue sky smiles at me with so much promise. Right now as I type this, God is doing some really cool things with all the people I am here with. They are processing life, learning how to actually hear God and to REALLY obey Him. It's a funny thing isn't it? How many of us have heard "God is speaking all the time" ? And our immediate thought is, "Well, maybe to you, but certainly not to me."

Back in May and June, we (I) had started this process of planning this retreat where 50 of us have landed this week. I planned and schemed and attempted to recruit, only to be met with a lot of frustration and doubt to almost everyone I talked to. The price of the retreat was high, physically, spiritually and CERTAINLY financially. It was really hard for people to understand why they might make a commitment like that. For me, after five months and a whole lot of changes and disappointments, I actually heard God speak. And all He said was, "I WILL teach you how to fight." Then came two months of sleepless nights. No immediate answers, no easy perfect solutions. No instant gratification and happiness. Conversation after conversation with God with me telling Him, "It's not working, I'm tired and I don't want to do this any more." Through that process God confirmed that if I was going to fight and learn how to hold a sword and a shield and wear my shoes of peace, I was going to have to really put into place some strong movements and actions. I was going to have to make a CHOICE. I could choose here. Ephesians 6 was written out and placed next to my bed so I didn't forget what I was supposed to be doing.

Slowly but surely, battles started to be won. Leaders started to make commitments. Friends started to help talk about the vision. People really started praying. And I stopped letting the "no's" I was receiving here and there discourage me. I made a choice and I let people in to help fight the battle. Freedom came in forms and ways I didn't at all expect it. God girded me with all the things He says help us fight the battle. Our battle isn't against flesh-and-blood enemies. It's against the powers and rulers and authorities in the spiritual realms. By gosh, I'm NOT going to let them win. Not when God gives me the authority to fight and persevere.

And here we are, 53 of us fully engaged, put into place, exactly where God wants us. The leadership is stellar. Trail West is as awesome as ever. And Ephesians 6:10 is ringing out over me with a profoundness like never before. Paul says, "Be STRONG in the Lord and {BE STRONG} in His mighty power." It's not me that has to do anything particular, except to stand in peace, and be strong in God and HIS power, not my own power. I could never ever ever do it on my own.

How about you? Where do you find it hard to stand strong in God and His power? Are you fighting the battles and stepping into the reality that you need your armor? Or do you passively succumb to the fiery arrows of the evil one? Either way, it really is your choice. And that's the beauty of following a Father who invites us but never pressures us. He is a shepherd and a fierce just King at the same time, and he'll teach you how to fight. I know because He's teaching me.

1 comment:

Jenae said...

just what i needed. wish i was with you all. praying for the anointing to fall.
love ya