Instead, I'm holed up in my bed nursing a sore throat and low temp. Agh. Nebraska, I'm comin' for you tomorrow. I WILL WIN.
So, while I'm sitting in my bed ... I figured it was a good time for my reading overview, since you are all so interested in it! Riiiiiiiiiight. Anyway.
I thought I'd give the run down of the books I read over sabbatical and the books currently on the shelf to be read in the beginning of 2012. Something might catch your eye and you'll want to add it to your list too! Reading is one of those joys in life that I've always had but have neglected as I got tangled up in busyness over the last few years. When I was in elementary school, I could read for HOURS with out batting an eye. Mom and Dad would tell me to turn off the light numerous times after 11 p.m. I finally got smart and turned off the light when I heard them coming up the stairs :) Takes you back to the Book It days right? What do ya know- IT still exists!
As Patty would say in true 80's form: Books, check 'em out! Books, check 'em out!
I hope one of these will renew your reading joy too!
From Black Heels to Tractor Wheels by Ree Drummond Non Fiction
Total girl read right here, but if you love a good narrative that keeps your attention and doesn't take long to finish, Ree Drummond will make those reading dreams come true. This was just plain and simple fun!
One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp Non Fiction
I know I've found a good book when it has me in tears in the first chapter. Ann Voskamp's outlook on gratitude really set the tone for my time away: to relish in the small gifts from God that so often get easily passed by because of stress or crisis. THIS one will challenge you to look for Him everywhere.
Living Spaces By Marlee Ledai Non Fiction
Given to me by my roommate, this book is inconspicuous at first. When I began it, I wasn't sure I wanted to finish it but the more I read the more inspired I was. Marlee breaks down the different spaces in our American homes and asks some good questions about how we use different rooms and why. It's simple and basic, but parts of it really inspired me and made me reflect on how I grew up and how space can be created to glorify the Lord. Such a good $1.00 find on Melissa's part!
School of Essential Ingredients by Erica Bauermeister Fiction
Now this one was an eeeeeeeeasy read. I found it at the thrift store by my house for 75 cents. BUT, I love easy reads and I also love cooking. Erica really weaves these characters together in a story that really is sweet and simple. I love how she describes the ways cooking can open us up to a whole new relational side of ourselves.
Bonhoffer: Pastor Martyr Prophet Spy by Eric Metaxas Non Fiction
Talk about a good challenge, this one is 575 pages of history and story telling about Dietrich Bonhoffer. I am currently on page 296. I didn't know much about Bonhoffer to begin with, except for the cliche Christian books we all talk about reading. This book has given me a more in depth look at his life, passion for the body of Christ and how he went from being anit-war to participating in the plot to assassinate Hitler. A good read for sure, although time consuming and certainly a challenge. This man was doing things at 21 or 22 that I never dream of doing in my whole life. Incredible. Thank you roommate Sara and Nancy for this recommendation!
These is my words by Nancy Turner Fiction
I have a thing for pioneer books right now. It just fits my life so well, even when stories are set in the 1800's. This one will make you sad, make you laugh, make you happy and make you sad again, all in one swoop. If you are a pioneer by nature, Sara Agnes Prine as a character will make you feel less crazy!
The Help by Kathryn Stockett Fiction
I confess, I saw the movie first. But this book is one truly inspiring and challenging story about changing the tide of culture and the uphill battle it takes to even think about such a thing. So good, an easy read, and a great movie too!
Christmastide by Phyllis Tickle Non Fiction
Wonderful for the advent season. Absolutely wonderful.
For 2012 (so far!):

ahhh bittersweet. a FAVE! I'll loan you 'cold tangerines' too. soo good. thanks for the list. a new kindle fire will hopefully increase my reading, or should i say 'finishing' of books this year.
I think you forgot to add Sally Forth Vile Curmudgeon to your list. Also, for some reason, Google Reader cuts your posts off half way through. Weird.
Love seeing what you've been up to. Thanks for the recommendations!
So many things I love about this post...
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