
If you ever wondered why ...

If you've read my blog for very long (let's say the last twelve months), then you will know about my home purchasing adventure last May.  It was a challenge for sure, and there are days that I still wonder about that decision.  Then I force myself to remember and re-vision my thoughts.

I remember the day we laid eyes on this place and the way that it came across my path.  I remember standing in what is now my living room and all 4 of us dreaming about the space and the empty lots next to it.  Gardens, a sand volleyball pit, etc.
(Which now look like this!  Or at least it will look that way again soon!)

  I remember thinking there was no way it would happen and yet excitement stirred in me at the possibility.  I remember thinking about how I would find the biggest table possible and try to find as many people as I could to fit around it for a meal.

Sort of like this:
My interns 2011!

I've since bought a different table, and it's not been that full again, but I'm working on it!

All that to say, you should check out Mike Breen's most recent post about living as an extended family.  his wife Sally gives some really practical and direct pointers on the subject.  It's the best description of all those dreams I had when I first set foot in this house.  If you have ever wondered WHY the HECK I bought this place and WHY I chose the location I did, his thoughts explain it best.  

What about you?  Do Sally's thoughts stir anything in you??

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