
This isn't the story I promised, but it's a good one!

I've started a writing adventure.
One that specifically challenges me to share my experiences in next generation ministry and to use my voice in a new way.  I feel honored to be writing with the likes of Dave Rhodes and Jo Saxton, and I look forward to see what will come from it.

My first post is found here.

We'd love for you to follow the blog and pass it on to anyone in youth and college ministry.  Or anyone that might be interested.  We're really trying to generate a conversation out on the web that will be helpful AND challenging to people who are reaching the next generation.

I can't tell you what my next post will be about in early March, but it's one that is really causing me to think and ask questions.  This first one was such a blast to write as I got to reminisce on my journey through being discipled.

Who had an impact on you during those formative and difficult college years?  Do you have a "Terri" in your life during that season?  Or do you find yourself filling that role for someone coming in the generation behind you?

Join us in the conversation and invite others in as well.  Let's see if we can learn from one another!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i'm getting antsy for the coming story...